If you are shopping for technology, like a laptop, GPS, or IPOD, you need to check out Techbargains. It is in a blog format where new deals pop up every couple of minutes. Some deals are available for a very short time and some or available for a little longer. There are 3 ways you can look for deals. You can monitor the blog and look for deals. The second way to use this site is to do a search. You can search what you are looking for and it will give you all the deals associated with your search. The third way to use this site is to set up an alert. It works a lot like the search in that you enter the keywords you are looking for, but the difference here is it will email you any deals that match your criteria. They won't spam you either. One the sides are other useful deals. The list some more popular items on the sides. They have most popular deals on laptops, desktops, monitors, memory, GPSs and other items.
So, if you are looking for any tech gear check out Techbargains.