Make this the year that you get your finances in order.
First figure out where your money is coming from and where it is going. If you want to read a good book on how to do this read this book:
Your Money or Your Life - Book Review
Either do this the old fashioned way by writing it all down on paper or use one of the online sites that I have mentioned in earlier posts
Online Money Management sites Compared
and start measuring your finances. They will improve.
Want to Improve Your Finances - Measure them
After doing this you will see where your money is all going. Find places to cut back or start making a conscious effort to not spend money where you don't want to waste it.
Second, spend less than you are making. Until you do this you will never build up any savings and get in a more comfortable financial situation. To help you acutally save some money setup your bank accounts to automatically pay the bills you have to and save the money that's left.
Organize Your Checking Accounts to Better Manage Your Money
Setup Your Automatic Savings Plans
Once you figure out how to free up some money to save then start saving it. The first place you should do with your savings is create a 3 - 6 month emergency fund. Especially in this economy you want to have some cash put away to use if something unforeseen comes along. After you get this established then start putting money in your 401K at work. Then find new ways to save.
Save Money By Not Being Able To Get To It
Fund Your 401K and Then Up the Amount
After you get a good saving plan in place then start looking at investing. I will expand on my thoughts about investing more in 2009. In the meantime here are some ideas.
ING Direct - A Great Place for your Savings
Reinvest Your Stock Dividends - Schwab vs Scottrade
Dick Davis Digest Newsletter Review
Make getting your finances your New Year's resolution.